
We conducted a leak investigation for two days in Naju City using WI.Plat’s intelligent leak management platform.

7 K-water employees with no experience in water leak detection found leaks in eight places using WI.Plat ‘s platform technology.

This is the result of collecting and analyzing 1,078 leak sounds over two days.

When employees collect leaks, they find the leak by remotely analyzing the leak frequency.

These are valuable and valuable experiences and data.


WI.Plat won the grand prize in the global category at the Social Venture Contest.

It’s more meaningful because it’s a competition that we put a lot of effort into it. Thank you.


WI.Plat participated in the public data utilization start-up contest as a representative of the Ministry of Environment and entered the final Championship.

Thank you.


WI.Plat  won the grand prize in the Try Everything 2020 Korea Challenge Contest.

Thank you very much.


WI.Plat won the Encouragement Award at the 2020 Welcome to TIPS (Gangwon Chungcheong region) IR pitching.

Thank you.


This is a presentation video about the KAIST GCCW intelligent water leak management platform.

After the presentation, many countries around the world showed a lot of interest.

Thank you for your interest.


WI.Plat’s “Intelligent Water Leakage Management Platform” was proudly listed in the priority task for strengthening the role of public institutions for the Korean version of the New Deal.

Thank you.


WI.Plat’s ‘Intelligent Leakage Management Platform’ won the grand prize at the final contest and awards ceremony of the ‘2020 Environmental Data Utilization Green New Deal Idea Contest (Ecotone)’ hosted by the Ministry of Environment.

A total of 86 teams applied, and 7 works with excellent ideas were selected from 14 teams that passed the document screening, and expert advice (mentoring) was conducted for two weeks from August 3rd.

The award rankings were determined through the final online screening of 7 teams, and the three-month contest was concluded.

Thank you.


Participated in the SME Biz conference jointly hosted by the Ministry of Environment and K-water to establish a global network to support overseas expansion of developing countries and to discover bilateral cooperative projects by promoting innovative technologies (products) of domestic water companies.


All employees of WI.Plat had on-site experience in leak detection.

For the Jincheon-gun modernization office, all employees had the first experience of collecting leak sound using WI.Plat ‘s Sonic M1.

There were also achievements of finding about three large and small leaks.